Day 2: You Are a Visionary (V Sound)

Welcome to Day 2!

Step 1 - Watch Today's Lesson

Step 2 - Complete Today's Practice


  • DO touch your top teeth to your bottom lip
  • DO feeeeeeel the vibrations
  • DO place more emphasis on "v" sounds in English than you do in Russian


  • DON'T round your lips too much; otherwise, it could start to sound like a W
  • DON'T say the "v" sound too quickly
  • DON'T forget to MAKE SURE you touch your top teeth to your bottom lip! I can’t emphasize this enough!


  1. Very
  2. Vacation
  3. Value
  4. Valley
  5. Variation
  6. Variety
  7. Vegetable
  8. Move
  9. Heavy
  10. Have
  11. Involve
  12. Advocate
  13. Avoid
  14. Avocado
  15. Cave
  16. Calves
  17. Ivy
  18. Love
  19. Of
  20. University


  1. I love vegetables very much.
  2. I love houses that are covered in ivy.
  3. Very vicious vipers visited Veronica.
  4. Vests are very out of fashion.
  5. Vacation moves very quickly.
  6. The colors of Van Gogh’s visions were very vivid.
  7. Were the invitations delivered individually?
  8. Any investment in an unverified invention, even a vastly innovative one, is very likely to be an investment in vain.
  9. Vivian was a victim of a vicious verbal grievance from Victoria, but she knew to never sever a friendship over vanity.
  10. According to the historian Livy, the Vestal Virgins had massive power over Romans’ everyday lives, while at the same time they were slaves of convenience.

Step 3 - Complete Today's Review

This is where we stay in shape! Every day of this challenge, we'll repeat a few words from previous days; this way, we're not only learning new things, we're actually using this knowledge to build good pronunciation habits, too. Just like we do in the practice videos, first listen and then repeat. It's like push-ups. For your voice.

Step 4 - Complete Today's Quiz

Great work!

Comment with questions or your own "v" sound tongue twister sentence below!

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